je crois qu'on va encore investiguer (contrairement aux journalistes du phocéen qui dorment depuis un bail), on a toute la nuit et on demande pas d'argent pour faire ce taf
Sébastien Ruggieri est connecté en ce moment sur le système de la rédaction. Je pense quand même qu'il va pas tarder à aller se coucher.
tu veux dire quoi ebola?je faisais reference à ceux du talk qui semble etre tres loin de ce qui se passe pas de ceux qui sont en train d'actualisé le fil actu....
dommage qu'aucun des membres du talk a part seb et rené parfois ne soit present ici pour echanger....
Bon, Thibaud Vezirian annonçait hier une rencontre avec de potentiels acquéreurs prévue aujourd'hui...attendons de voir, parce que là, tout reconstruire sans pognon...on va morfler...
Alwaleed bin Talal offers a fantastic price in the French club Marseille purchase May 15, 2020 0 2410 Share A surprise for French club Marseille fans is the fact that the businessman Alwaleed bin Talal took a first step to buy the club after the owner was exposed to many financial troubles, and he failed to make many investments in it. The value of Alwaleed bin Talal’s offer to buy French club Marseille According to press reports that indicated that businessman Alwaleed bin Talal made an official offer to buy French club Marseille, which is a strong competitor with the other sports clubs in the Champions League competition, and was crowned the championship during 1993. Reports have indicated that display Alwaleed Very tempting, as its value amounted to about 400 million euros, equivalent to one billion and 800 million Saudi riyals in exchange for the purchase of the club, confirming that the offer is acceptable to the owner of the original club because it faces many huge financial troubles. Although the offer includes the purchase of the club, but does not include the purchase of the Velodrome stadium because it is the city’s municipality that owns the cans, and if they agree to sell it, the purchase process will proceed. It is reported that Alwaleed’s offer to buy Marseille is the second attempt to buy it. He failed in the first attempt to take over the club from his previous owners 9 years ago. The current owner of Marseille Club American businessman Frank McCourt owns the French club Marseille, and also owns many economic and sports facilities such as the McCourt Group and the owner of the Los Angeles Marathon. McCourt bought the club on October 17, 2016 for 45 million euros from the previous owners, and within a few days, French businessman Jacques Henri took over as club president, while the first team coach Captain Rudi Garcia took over. In spite of McCourt’s plan since the club purchased a € 200 million investment in it over the past 4 years, these investments have faltered and have not achieved their goal.
C’est vrai que ça commence à faire beaucoup et que la rumeur dure vraiment longtemps... Mais pitain, déjà que 250 millions c’était hors de prix, alors 400!!!! C’est pas très sérieux de la part du prince la...